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Hello Goodbye

June 2022 Part of Dead Bunnies Series
48"x48" Acrylic on Canvas

Hello Goodbye, is a painting dedicated to my role as an Army spouse for the last 19 years, and the male counterpart to my Hausfrau painting in this series. The background of the painting is an exact copy of my husband's ribbon rack that he wears on his uniform. The focus of the painting is about the constant reunions and departures we've had to endure in our marriage. Some Goodbyes were year long combat deployments, and a few for smaller spurts of separation. The couple is conveying either a "Hello Kiss" or a "Goodbye Kiss." The wife is the constant, grounded one maintaining the household while her soldier/husband is away. Each gold square on the left side of the painting represents a 6 month timeframe in a combat zone. In contrast to my Hausfrau painting I chose to have a more methodical, structured approach with this painting to reflect the military influences in our life. There are multiple layers that I intended to push and pull against each other, which acts as a metaphor for our marriage and times spent apart. This is a story about love, dedication, sacrifices, admiration, and blessings.

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